Sunday, February 24, 2013


If you had to do things all over I'm sure you'd do things differently. You wouldn't have said that. You wouldn't have done that. You would have taken advantage of that opportunity. You would have handled that situation better. You should've been more thoughtful, should've been more patient, should've been more prudent. Something inside you keeps telling you that you should've known better or should've done better but you can't do anything to change it so you stand there shrouded in a sack of "should."

I know how you feel. We all have things that we should've done differently but that's the great thing about grace. As followers of Christ we are promised that "all things work together for the good of those who love The Lord and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) Therefore, even our "should" will work together our good. [Pause and read that again] Knowing this allows us to view our shoulds in a way that shapes our future constructively rather than in a way that fixates on our past destructively. In other words, let your past inform your future but don't allow it to beat you down to the degree that you don't expect to ever be able to get past it.

Yes, you should've done things differently. Use that knowledge to ensure that next time you will and the experience can make you better. However, if you don't see it as a learning experience it will prevent you from moving forward because you'll drag your past into your present and you definitely "shouldn't" do that.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't Give Up Now!

Don't give up now, you don't know what God is planning next!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What Now? #READ

As you begin to consider new possibilities for your life there is a need to create new modes of thinking. It has been said that Albert Einstein noted that "My best thinking thus far has created some problems that this thinking cannot solve" so it stands to reason that we must find new ways to think about life if we are to discover new possibilities. I have found that reading helps to expand our thinking like nothing else so I have compiled the following short list of books that will help you as you begin to see yourself as God sees you and fall into the grace that is available through Christ. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it will help you get started.

Fell free to leave a comment to suggest other books that I haven't mentioned but that you have found helpful.

P.S.-I've linked to them on or the author's sites just in case you wanted to order them today. I know, I know, you're welcome!


Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Second Hand Jesus by Glenn Packiam
Grace by Max Lucado
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Fresh Start with God by John Siebeling

Who is Jessie Jennings 3?


At the age of 18 Jessie was led to spend his life teaching the wonderful truths of God’s Word. Thirsty for an opportunity to grow, he asked Bishop Edward H. Stephens, Jr. for a chance to teach in the children’s ministry of Golden Gate Cathedral. The request was granted which gave him the ability to develop his gift of teaching by assisting in the Sunday School and Youth Ministry for several years. As a means of further development of his gifts, the Lord gave him an opportunity to receive a (Cum Laude) Bachelor’s Degree in Communications with a Minor in Religion in Society from the University of Memphis in 2005 and he is currently pursuing a Masters of Divinity Degree from Memphis Theological Seminary. 


Despite the many challenges that Jessie has faced, he has been awarded several distinctions including: University of Memphis Dean’s List (4 semesters), National Dean’s List (2 semesters), he has received the United States Minority Leadership Award and was declared a “Memphis Standout” by the Daily News. As he pursues honorable achievement and endeavors to serve his community, Jessie consistently makes himself available for the community based programs of his fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi. The Lord saw fit to ordain him an Elder in August of 2007 and to appoint him as the Youth Director of the State of Tennessee for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship in 2008. He currently serves as the Pastor of Communications at Golden Gate Cathedral

In an effort to continue to inspire others Jessie recently published the well received book "On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!: Seven Ways to Ignite the Winner In You" (available at


The favor of God can be clearly seen in the pages of his life. Jessie has spent the past 10 years teaching and mentoring at Golden Gate Cathedral, the University of Memphis, Memphis area community centers, churches and functions across the mid-south as well as around the globe through a cutting edge on-line ministry with an approach that can be summarized by John 14: 12-13 which states, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the father and I will do whatever you ask in my Name, so the Son may bring glory to the Father.”

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fall into Grace...

It has often been said that, "You get what you deserve." That type of thinking is great when you've made all the right decisions and done everything the way you should but what if you haven't? What if you've made mistakes along the way? What if you need mercy?

I'm exceptionally thankful that we don't always "Get what we deserve" and I'd be willing to bet that you are too because we don't always (or ever, depending on your theology) deserve forgiveness or a fresh start but the beauty of the story of Jesus and the thing that makes it "good news" is that we can have it anyway...even though we don't deserve it.

We often cry out for fairness & justice, and there's a place for that but this website is designed to reach those who have been desperately searching for strength that will help you to press beyond the pains of your past. Others may have told you that your faults have caused you to "Fall from Grace" but I would like to suggest that they may have actually given you an opportunity to "Fall into Grace." Here you will find stories about people who have done just that and have risen from their faults to find peace and hope in Christ. If you're searching for a fresh start you've come to he right place. God still has a purpose and plan for your life. The disappointment, divorce or defeat hasn't disqualified you from being loved by God and if you've "fallen" it doesn't have to be fatal...just fall into grace.

I'll talk to you again soon!

-Jessie is a Subsidiary of Jessie Jennings3
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