Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fall into Grace...

It has often been said that, "You get what you deserve." That type of thinking is great when you've made all the right decisions and done everything the way you should but what if you haven't? What if you've made mistakes along the way? What if you need mercy?

I'm exceptionally thankful that we don't always "Get what we deserve" and I'd be willing to bet that you are too because we don't always (or ever, depending on your theology) deserve forgiveness or a fresh start but the beauty of the story of Jesus and the thing that makes it "good news" is that we can have it anyway...even though we don't deserve it.

We often cry out for fairness & justice, and there's a place for that but this website is designed to reach those who have been desperately searching for strength that will help you to press beyond the pains of your past. Others may have told you that your faults have caused you to "Fall from Grace" but I would like to suggest that they may have actually given you an opportunity to "Fall into Grace." Here you will find stories about people who have done just that and have risen from their faults to find peace and hope in Christ. If you're searching for a fresh start you've come to he right place. God still has a purpose and plan for your life. The disappointment, divorce or defeat hasn't disqualified you from being loved by God and if you've "fallen" it doesn't have to be fatal...just fall into grace.

I'll talk to you again soon!



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